
Showing posts from September, 2018

September 24th-27th

This week students looked at What is light? by completing various activities.  They worked on a worksheet called What is Light and created a foldable that had to include the different sources of light, definitions, examples, pros/cons. Sources of Light: Incandescent, Chemiluminescent. Fluorescent, Bioluminescent and Phosphorescent. Students also looked at objects to determine if they were Opaque, Translucent or Transparent and had to record their observations in a table. Any worksheets can be found by going to the top-left drop down bar and going into the Light and Optics unit page.

September 17th-20th

Students started this week by doing a one lesson project in which they had to write a clear and concise lab procedure.  Students began the unit on Light and Optics in which they received "I Can ..."  statements and had to create title pages. The title pages needed to include 3x things they know, 3x things they want to know and must  include images and diagrams. On Thursday students had a mini in class assignment on researching inventors. Students had plenty of in class time to get these projects done so they should not have any homework for the long weekend! Anything that is not completed should be handed in Monday, September 24th.