Mix and Flow of Matter
- identify fluids used in household materials, technological devices, living things and the natural world
- Explain WHMIS symbols and safety precautions used in the lab
- Describe examples in which materials are prepared as fluids in order to facilitate transport, processing and use
- Identify properties of fluids that are important in their selection and use
- Relate the properties of mixtures and solutions to the particle model of matter
- Distinguish between pure substances, mixtures and solutions using common examples
- Compare densities of solids, liquids and gases using the particle model of matter
- Investigate the solubility of different materials and describe their concentration
- Identify factors that affect solubility and the rate of dissolving a solute in a solvent
- Compare fluids based on their viscosity and flow rate and describe the effects of temperature on flow rate
- Observe and calculate densities
- Explain how density relates to buoyancy
- Explain and calculate pressure and describe applications of pressure in everyday situations
- Investigate and compare the compressibility of liquids and gases
- Describe technologies based on the solubility of materials
- Interpret technologies based on flow rate and viscosity
- Construct a device that uses the transfer of fluids to apply a force to control motion
Review/Extra Practice:
Topic 1: Matter on
the Move
Topic 2:
Classifying Matter
Topic 3: Separating
Topic 4: Viscosity
Topic 6: Buoyancy
Topic 7: Fluid
8: Fluid Systems
Topic 1 - The Particle Theory
Topic 1 - Classifying Matter ( students can do if they did not complete foldable)
Topic 2 - Pure Substances and Mixtures
WHIMIS notes
WHIMIS worksheet
BBC Separating Mixtures Guide
Separating Mixtures Knowledge Posters/Presentation
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