November 26th - 30th

Students had the opportunity to watch the film Tim's Vermeer.  Tim that looks at the paintings of Dutch Renaissance artist Vermeer and tries to prove that Vermeer used light and optics in order to create his paintings.  From this students had to complete two reflection questions and hand them in. 

1.     Art and science are often seen as being vastly separate fields of study. Does this movie convince you that this distance between them is far closer than usually thought? Why? Why not?

2.  What light and optical devices and methods was Tim saying that Vermeer was using?

For the Mix and Flow of Matter Unit students handed in their Solid, Liquid and Gasses Foldable on Monday, November 26th. Students then explored pure substances and mixtures by looking at the video " The Science of a Macaroni Salad." From this students completed a booklet for their notes. This should have been finished by Monday, December 3rd. If not completed it is the students responsibility to complete. 


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